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Baseball Gympie was founded in 2010 providing the region's growing population with the opportunity to play an inclusive sport suited to athletes of all ages, ability, male and female. 


After inaugurating the club in 2010 and establishing a place in Gympie, Greg and Carol Stubbs have now left the area and have allowed a new committee to take the club forward.  With the new committee taking charge, they wanted to give their club and identity something to be known by.  This is when Redbacks Baseball was born.


The Redbacks are currently located at Jim Geiger Oval as a co-tenant with the One Mile Association with 2 specialised fields ready for play. This helps to encourage the growth and development of our local youth which can play and enjoy a sport that provides the experience of sportsmanship and mateship and most importantly personal growth.


Redbacks Baseball club is affiliated with the Sunshine Coast Baseball Association. This allows Redbacks members to further their baseball opportunities in both regional, state and National area’s.


Connect with The Redbacks for more information:



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